HIAMO represents many years of experience in hotel and real estate development and the power of individual, self-managed private hotels.
Marco Nußbaum – CEO & Co-Founder
The hotel industry in the process of social transformation
A fundamental shift in values is taking place in our society. Individualism is advancing ever faster. A different ” being aware “, a new culture of meaning is emerging. Our ideas of leisure and luxury are being redefined and non-material things are becoming more important: sustainability, regionality, identity, but also health, human interaction and meaningful self-development. In the recent past, our travel behaviour has also changed fundamentally and, in part, probably permanently. We are convinced of this! In the future, it will be less about where you travel. Much more important will be with whom you travel and what memories and experiences are created on the trip. All this places completely new demands on the hotel industry, but also opens up opportunities.
Private hotel industry with corporate strength
With HIAMO, we take up these trends proactively and pave a completely new way for them. Based on our many years of experience in the industry, we combine the many potentials of the private hotel industry with the economic and innovative power of a financially strong and owner-managed hotel developer. Under the brand of HIAMO AG, we create and bundle privately managed hotels that are trendsetting in terms of comfort and technology, but also in ecological, social and economic ways. We do this both by taking over existing hotels and by developing completely new ones.
People at the core of our corporate philosophy
As guests and business partners, but above all as employees, people at HIAMO are not an economic cost factor, but our greatest entrepreneurial potential. HIAMO stands for self-responsibility, personal integrity, horizontal organisation and appreciation. The latter also has a financial dimension with payments above the regular pay scale and shareholdings for all employees. We have aligned HIAMO’s corporate culture with the basic principles of the Huna teachings.